
Hoeben Electronics

From idea, components, development, production to the complete electronics of YOUR product.

Components (also obsolete ones), development of electronics and software, building of prototypes and small production series.

Hoeben Electronics

Some examples of a bad solderings due to mechanical stress due to the part's wrong mounting method.

Pin 1: bad soldering, see the thin line round the pin
Pin 1: the same, just another view
Pin 2: completely rupted due to stress
Pin 2: the same, just another view
Pin 3: bad soldering, see the thin line round the pin
Pin 3: the same, just another view

For more information contact:

Pieter Hoeben

Hoeben Electronics
Ronkert 44
5094 EW Lage Mierde
The Netherlands
Phone: (+31) 6 51590081
Fax: (+31) 13 5096025
Private phone: (+31) 13 5096024
Computer, ISDN or analog modem, fax, BBS, faxback: (+31) 13 5096019, only on request
E-mail: info@hoeben.com, click here

© Hoeben Electronics, 1995, 2000